Photography / magic owen
hair / emmanuel esteban
models / cara, marina, ruby, twig
1. What does this collection say about your mindset when you were creating it?
When I created this collection I was in a difficult relationship , an impossible love with a girl who was going to leave for a year in a country very far and who didn't want to start a relationship with someone before she goes. It made me think of the song from a French singer who is talking about extreme feelings you can have when you are in love!
2. Where do you most often find inspiration from? And when you lose it...what do u do to find it?
I find inspiration from what's around me in my life in general , like books , music , life street , art ... Inspiration has no limits , hopefully I will never lose it , fingers crossed!
3. What to tool would you never leave the house without? As well as product?
I never leave the house without my phone .
4. Why editorial, session work? So many say it’s a dead road... why did you continue to pursue this path?
Because session work is what inspires other people . Session stylist are creating the future trends and new looks . Our job is to make people who will read your magazine dream.
5. While on set, how do you stay focused?
On set when i'm working i'm at work , I mean i'm there to do a job and I put all my focus and knowledge to give the best of myself for the rest of the team . In this job you have to be very professional ! But after my job is done , i'm a very laid back person always joking with the rest of the team when they are working , so I guess it's more difficult for them to concentrate and stay focussed!
6. Share with us the most unexpected thing that has happened while on set, good or bad.-
The most embarrassing situation I've been on set was when the models I was styling were speaking about the angelfish government spending a lot of money on foreigners , and they were badmouthing people coming to the UK , and as I moved to the UK 3 years ago I felt a bit embarrassed ! That was an awkward situation!
7. Favorite quote or quotes you live by? And how do u apply them to your work? What is your personal mantra?
My mantra is I'll sleep enough once you'll die . Since the day I heard this quote , I have never stopped creating, I shoot, I work from the minute I get up!
8. Is there anyone experience(s) in particular that you feel has made the biggest impact on your career?
The biggest step in my career was when I moved in UK , 3 years ago , people are so open minded , I am still learning the language but moving has opened the doors another world ... my work took on another dimension
9. If you could go back to the beginning of your career, what piece of advice would you give your newbie self ?
I would advise myself to work harder and harder , listen to my gut feelings, and believe in myself
11. Favourite adult beverage? Why...and when did u first have one?
French wine of course because it's an institution , and I started too young!